My father use to make wine when I was a child back in India. It can not be that expensive if you pick your own fruit. I am looking forward to trying my hand at wine making now that I am in America.
My father use to make moonshine when I was a kid in West Virginia? Now that I am older I have developed a taste for wine. Is making wine dangerous like making whisky? Can you have an explosion? Is it even legal to make alchohol in the USA?
First off it is legal to make any kind of alcohol in the United States providing it is for your own consumption (you do not sell it) and you are 21 or older. You do not need a still for wine making! Nothing will explode, unless you count dropping a wine bottle on a concrete floor an explosion. Hope this helps.
Okay...i make wine with an old school italian (he is teaching me) nothing. crush the grapes...let them ferment in huge barrels, press them...put the juice in big jugs and let it ride. If i started the process in late sept., how long before i should bottle and give it away? Also...its early jan now and i tasted's too sweet and actually tastes a bit carbonated. Is this normal and when will that go away? I've already racked it once. can you add water to dilute it at all? what can you do to the wine at this point in the process to make it smoother? sorry for all the questions...just getting nervous. Last year's was awesome...and we used the same grapes this yr...i just want it as good as last yrs.'s was made with sangiovese grapes
What I suggest one do before pitching the yeast is to take a hydrometer reading, o.g. then after a taking the final gravity reading you can figure out the alcohol by volume (abv).
I wish someone would answer this one, I'm using the same method with the same grape. I bought the fresh juice in six 6 gallon buckets. I hope I didn't waste $300.
I am about to start making wine and I am interested in tropical fruits wine. do I need permit or licence to sell my home wine . Can I market it? Thank you
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