This article is an explanation of the fermenting process for beginning wine makers who want to learn to make wine at home. For beginners following these few simple rules will make the fermentation process easy to learn.
How to make Homemade Wine: Beginners guide to Fermenting
When beginners are looking for information about how to make homemade wine, they may feel that they can keep the fermenting wines in an airing cupboard or next to the boiler in the basement and get good results. Some people have heard that they can make fermenting cupboards that will give them even better results. There are many methods of fermentation for you to use when learning the process of making wine at home. If you only have 2 or 3 jars of wine in the fermenting process, you may want to have a small electric heater installed; however a small electric light in your cupboard with the jars grouped around it will serve just as well. You should get a cupboard that is big enough to accommodate many jars but not so big that the warmth is lost.
There are some people who use a paraffin lamp when grouping several jars, this is only good if you use the fermentation lock with the airtight seal, and otherwise the wine will become tainted with fumes. Tainted wine is not good wine and if you want good wine it will need to be free of any tainting. When you are learning to make your wine at home, you will want to be vigilant about possible tainting of your wine.
If you are asking yourself how you can make great wines at home you will want to use good nutrients in your wine. Yeast nutrients are yeast foods that help yeast to reproduce and make the largest possible amount of alcohol. The right nutrient may speed fermentation so much that you will always use it. Adding nutrients helps you make better wines. Suppliers offer a variety of nutrients that are accompanied with directions that will show you how to prepare the wine using this ingredient. A supplier will sometimes tell you how to use your nutrient so that you can make your wine look and taste better.
Invert sugar (created by combining a sugar with a small amount of acid and is heated) is a sugar that you can buy that will give you better results than regular household sugar for making wine. The invert sugar can be bought for about $.20 per pound. Also the money you save from this type of sugar will keep you within a budget as you learn to make wines in your home.
For the novice who has not spent years learning to make perfect wine, will learn that using a fermentation lock, keeping your wine warm throughout the entire fermentation process, use the wine yeast that is right for your type of wine, invert sugar and the nutrients needed to give your wine strength, clarity and flavor that is of major importance in making quality wines. Using the right ingredients is an important process, when you are learningcreating quality wines.
When using yeast it is a good idea to use these guidelines, if you use bakers yeast you will need to crumble it into prepared liquor. If you are using wine yeast, you will need to use the directions included by the dealer. This process involves startingnucleus ferment. For this process you will need a half pint milk bottle.
You will need to boil about a quarter pint of water and a teaspoon of sugar for about a minute, and then let it cool. You will want to put the mixture into a sterilized milk bottle, then add one of the two types of yeast mentioned earlier ( bakers yeast and wine yeast). Next you will want to plug up the neck of the bottle with cotton wool and store it in a warm place. Within a few days this little mixture is fermenting and ready to add to your wine.
If you add wine yeast to the liquor you prepared for wine making, it should begin to ferment in about 3 or 4 days. It is a good idea to take the time to get the nucleus fermenting prepared so that it is ready to add to the liquor, as soon as possible, so that the entire lot is already vigorously fermenting.
Another consideration is that you do not add yeast to hot water, and that your nucleus is not added when your wine is hot, because it may kill the yeast. You will want to allow the sugar water cool before adding the yeast to the mixture and also let the liquor cool before you add the nucleus to the wine. If you want to learnto make good quality wines with good alcohol content, it is a good idea to remember this tip.
You will also do good to remember that many temperatures may give you a different SG reading. Keeping your liquid at 68 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit will allow you to maintain normal SG readings; you also want to keep fermenting liquids away from heat sinking areas, such as concrete floors and windows. Using a brew belt or a simple heating pad is a great way to ensure the right temperature for fermentation.
The last important thing to remember about yeast is that it will ferment much better if it is fed in stages. If there is too much sugar at the beginning it may cause the yeast to stop fermenting properly at around ten percent of the alcohol content. Many inexperienced wine makers may think fermentation is finished with the process naturally and may put the wine in a cool place to clear. However, if the wine is too sweet the wine may start to ferment again at any time. If you want to really learn how to make homemade wine, you will want to learn how to stay on top of this process.
Happy wine making,
Visit our How to Make Homemade Wine website at: CLICK HERE
Here is another article you may find interesting about corks.
One basic part in homemade wine making is choosing the right cork to seal off the wine bottle. Many wine making instructions do not even mention the importance of a cork stopper to your wine. Nevertheless, the cork is very important and may influence wine quality significantly.
How to Make Homemade Wine Using the Right Cork for Your Bottles
Not enough has been said about how to make homemade wine that will turn out right by using the correct sort of cork to seal off the wine bottle. Actually, the type of cork you select to seal your wine bottles is of crucial importance it can mean the difference between producing quality wine and junk.
How to Make Homemade Wine with Quality Cork
Your local wine making store will probably sell you the agglomerated type of cork for your wine bottles. Agglomerated cork is cork manufactured from smaller bits of cork compressed together. It also happens to be the lowest quality of cork available for vintners to use.
If you want to use quality cork when learning how to make homemade wine, then do try to get cork that has been cut out of just one piece of cork bark rather than individual bits glued together somehow. The cork that was cut out of the cork bark as one piece is the top quality cork that wineries use nowadays.
Pricing for Cork Varieties
Your run-of-the-mill agglomerated cork will sell for around 20 US cents per piece. The top-quality cork that wineries use cost about 75 US cents apiece. Though the agglomerated cork may seem like a cheaper and better option for making homemade wine, the agglomerated cork tend to induce leakage of your valuable wine, leaving the wine inside the bottle tainted by outside elements.
Why Quality Cork is Valuable for Making Homemade Wine
Wineries use the top-quality cork to cut down on any spoilage of wine. At present, around 5% of wine produced by commercial wineries is ruined by cork spoilage. This is equivalent to spoilage of one out of 20 bottles of wine.
Cork spoilage is attributed to fungus that has tainted your wine bottle cork. The prevalence of tainted cork (even those that are brand new and have never been used to bottle any wine) is the main reason that wineries have shifted to using the synthetic type of cork or the screw-top covers instead to bottle wine. You might be surprised how many top-quality wine makers are using the metal screw-tops rather than traditional cork nowadays and it is all to avoid pricey spoilage of their valuable wine.
The reason cork bark-based cork is still being used today is that it is the traditional way to seal off wine bottles, has been in use for centuries, and often looks better than synthetic cork or metal screw-tops. But there are clear advantages to switching to synthetic cork to seal off your wine bottles too.
The Advantages of Using Synthetic Cork
Synthetic cork is a good option if you want a good alternative to the traditional top-quality winery cork. There are some advantages to using synthetic cork.
One is that synthetic cork is inexpensive you can buy a bulk amount of synthetic cork of about 1000 pieces which boils down to around 20 US cents per synthetic cork. This makes it just as cheap as the agglomerated cork.
But synthetic cork is better than agglomerated cork because cork spoilage is avoided. You can stop doing those special things to avoid cork spoilage like turning empty wine bottles upside down or letting them lie down.
There is no need to keep synthetic cork wet either to use them to bottle your wine. You can keep the synthetic cork right side up instead of upside down and it can still be usable. Plus, synthetic corks are not limited by the humidity level of your storage system like cork bark-based cork is. This allows you to buy synthetic cork in bulk volume then store them for even a long time and they will still be useful for you.
The Disadvantage When Using Synthetic Cork
Though synthetic cork can be easier to use for wine bottling than traditional cork, their disadvantage is that they are hard to use with hand corkers for sealing your wine bottles. To seal the bottle properly with a synthetic cork, you have to have a floor corker around.
Problems Inherent With Use of Cork
Natural cork bark-based cork manufacturers have also invested a lot into research as to the causes of cork spoilage and how they can make traditional cork stoppers that will not cause wine spoilage this has led wine spoilage attributed to bad cork to go down significantly. Often too, it is the winery that is at fault too because of the way they handle corks prior to stopping up the wine bottles, so wineries have to take care that corks are not tainted prior to sealing off the wine bottles.
One major flaw in traditional cork use is that you need a corkscrew or perhaps cork puller to remove the cork before the wine can be drunk. This could also be a problem with use of synthetic plastic corks. By using a corkscrew, you damage the cork often beyond the point where it can be re-used. It is embarrassing for restaurant staff to have to sieve out bits and pieces of the cork that winds up in the wine liquid just so patrons can drink it. It then becomes a problem for both staff and customer as to how the leftover wine in the bottle can be stored should it be discarded after the wine bottle has been left open at the customers table for hours, or can a better option for covering the bottle be created once the cork has been destroyed?
To prevent damaging the cork during the sealing off stage (after the wine has been made and you need to seal it off for storage) you should use a floor corker preferably the type that act like an iris to compress the corker. This may be more costly than the single lever, twin lever, and compression corkers around but the iris-type is easier to use and are more precise for inserting the cork into the bottle. Hence, there is less potential damage to the cork, and less resulting damage to the wine inside.
Once corking is finished, it is advisable to let your bottles stand upright for another 24 hours so that any surplus compressed air in the wine bottle can sneak out. If you store the bottle on a rack horizontally immediately after corking, the pressure from within exerted by the surplus compressed air may even push out the cork itself and wine spills out. Once the 24 hours are over, the wine bottle can be safely stored horizontally and is even preferable because the wine touching the cork inside the bottle will prevent leaks by letting the cork stay moist.
Happy wine making,
Visit our How to Make Homemade Wine website at: CLICK HERE
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