I would like to know why my second batch of balloon wine turned into alcohol so much faster than the first batch. The first batch took about 6 weeks to finish, and the second batch was done fermenting after less than two weeks. The second batch was fermenting very vigorously and loudly (relatively loudly, that is) in the 24 to 48 hour period after I started it, then it petered out. The first batch fermented at a more steady rate, although it was more vigorous in the first week, and kept going for 6 weeks. The alcohol content of the second batch seems to be about the same as the first, based on my reaction to it, which may not be entirely scientific.
Apparently the difference was due either to the higher temperature of the environment for the second batch, or the changed ingredients, or both factors. It would be nice to know if one factor was more important than the other.
Here are the differences between the two batches:
1. a.) For the first batch, I used frozen concentrated apple raspberry juice along with the sugar, water, and yeast, and, in the second batch, I used unconcentrated cherry juice in about the same volume as the frozen concentrate used in the first.
b.) The second batch included "ginger juice," meaning that I grated ginger root, squeezed the gratings, and added this liquid to the mix.
2. The room temperature at which the second batch fermented was higher than that of the first batch. I tried to keep both batches at about 70, but it dipped below that at times for the first, and above that at times for the second.
Could the "ginger juice" have accelerated the process?
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